Happy Monday!
Well yesterday was just great, it was awesome to see you all and get to
talk for a bit! I pretty much filled you in on everything as well but after the
call we went and talked with that Muslim guy I told you about for about an hour
and it was very interesting again. We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
next week we are going to his house before church to watch the Restoration video
and then he said he'll come to church with us. We also found out that he has
been taught by missionaries in the past so we went home and found him in our
area book! The Spirit has to be at work there. Other than that, I'm just moving
along. Same stuff, different day.
Oh but I do have one funny story. I think I told you about Elder Campbell
last week, the crazy elder I went on exchange with, and he just keeps making
life interesting. He is big into hunting and he made a home made blow gun out of
PVC pipe and nails as darts and puts his head lamp on and goes hunting at night
in the backyard of the members he stays with. Well he was out one night and he
said he shot a possum twice and then it got away from him but he saw another set
of eyes running around so he shot at those as well and then went inside for the
night. His companion went outside the next morning to throw something away and
saw the member's cat and it had a dart in it, so he made Elder Campbell try and
get the dart out of it and he couldn't catch the cat so he had to tell the
members and it was just hilarious.
Besides that I don't have much for ya, but I love you all and I'm so
grateful to be apart of this family, we are truly blessed for the amazing family
we have. Talk to you next week!
Elder Williams
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